Nov. 20 Meeting: Bring Your Issues (or Tissues)

For our meeting on November 20, we suggest "Bring Your Issues (or Tissues)." We are guessing that everyone will have some reaction to the recent election, so the idea is simply to find out what is on everyone's mind. So what's on yours?

We will need some ground rules to make this work. By our arrangement with the church, our discussions are supposed to be nonpartisan. That will not require a pretense of being indifferent to the outcome of the election, but it will require basic civility. No blaming/shaming/gloating etc. 

Suggested topics:
  • What surprised or did not surprise you, and why?
  • What is your one biggest hope or fear for the immediate future?
  • What are your coping strategies for disappointments and constructive strategies for personal involvement?
  • Is this election going to lead to a realignment of our party system? If so, what will the realignment be like in terms of
    • Class?
    • Education?
    • Gender?
    • Other identity markers?
    • Substantive policy positions?
We are not offering any suggested readings -- you will have found plenty on your own by now. However, you may be interested in watching an online event hosted Friday Nov. 15th by the nonpartisan Washington think tank Niskanen Center: "A virtual debrief on the class, race, and gender dynamics of the 2024 election with leading experts in the field." This event is open to everyone, register here. (Not clear yet whether they will make a recording or transcript available for people who miss it.)


  1. David Frum wrote this commentary for The Atlantic. I would like to share it with the group. Here is a link:


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