May 15 Meeting: Electric Cars – Where Are We?

Electric cars are no longer the coming thing – they are here. But where, exactly, are we along the path to the EV future? Our discussion leader, self-proclaimed "car guy" Bob Featherly, does not promise that he has all the answers, but he is ready to field all our questions.

  • Is the transition to EV's picking up or stalling out? 
  • Why don't we all have EV's yet? If you have one, tell us how you like it or whether you have regrets. If you don't, tell us what is holding you back.
  • Is America going to be a player, or is this going to be an all-Chinese show? 
  • Are electric cars a mature technology? Will new technologies soon make the Tesla of today look like the Model T  – an important step forward but just the beginning?
Please use the chat box at the end of this post to add your own questions and additions to the reading list.

Suggested readings:


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