February 21 Meeting: Immigration, National and Local

Our February 21 meeting will be devoted to another of the hot topics of our times, immigration -- one that is certain to be central to the upcoming presidential election. We are aiming for a discussion that balances national and local aspects of the issue. To kick the meeting off, Gerry Schatz will tell us something about his work with Immigration Law and Justice Michigan and Beatriz Moreno will give a Leelanau perspective on immigration issues. An article she wrote for the Glen Arbor Sun is linked below.

We are looking forward to a good turnout as always!

Recommended readings (please email us with any of your own, or add the links below as comments:)


  1. Can you explain how Egypt can keep Palestinian refugees out while US can’t keep South American, African, and Asian refugees from entering? Why aren't refugees from Gaza pouring over the Egyptian border?

    I thought international law was applicable in both situations…allowing refugees asylum. European countries seemed to handle refugee populations differently than Egypt. Does anyone know about this? (posted at the request of Doug Whitley)

  2. I would be interested in a discussion about how we would go about fixing immigration if we had a cooperative, not disfunctional congress, with the will and a financing mechanism to finally fix the system, both at the border and for those already here.

  3. I would like to hear at meetings and in comments on what we can do to make a difference. The meeting recited the problems, but it did not give us something to do to contribute positively.


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